Thursday, May 6, 2010

getting started

Just typing that I realised how unoriginal 'getting started' sounded. I'm probably the millionth person to start a blog with a first post entitled 'getting started'.  Anyways I am getting started. I've tried this before with miserable success as opposed to absolute failure. Now I'm sitting here thinking WTF do I type or what do I have to say that's interesting. Forget that let me tell you about moi and what I envision for the future of my blog.

I hope that you my oneday millions of readers will find my blog so inspiring that I will become so famous and that a movie will be made out of my life story ala ..... you guessed it Julie and Julia. Yes what an effing cliche. lol! I make no claims to originality. So moving on...... I'm 26 from South Africa, doing post grad study in History. Yes History! And I have dreams. Sometimes I walk around in freaking fantasy world the whole freaking day. But this is not some new age stuff for dream analysis what I'm writing about is just me, my experiences (good, bad, funny) and what I want from dreams. I figure the more I write the better sense my millions of readers will have of/off (don't know) me. 

So now I will edit this dang thang and make it purty for y'all. I'll be back. Oh yeah and the past few days I've been obsessed with 10 things I hate about you. That tv show and that sexy Ethan Peck. Yowsers he's hot!


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